ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to identify the impact of transformational leadership behavior of salespersons on their customers’ relationship marketing behavior in the Sri Lankan corporate banking sector. With the theoretical explanations and documentary evidence the following research problem has been advanced in this study. AAAA“Is there any impact of transformational leadership behavior of salespersons of Sri Lankan corporate banking sector on their customers’ relationship marketing behavior?’ AAAAAccording to the literature on transformational leadership four variables have been identified as independent variables namely idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and individualized considerate behavior of salesperson. Two variables in relationship marketing have been identified as dependent variables namely customer trust and relationship commitment. Based on assumed causal relationship, five hypotheses have been formulated for testing. It was decided to employ a survey to collect data as the study focuses on causal relationship, thus the questionnaire method is more appropriate. It was found that customer trust to the salesperson positively influences customer relationship commitment. Idealized influence behavior and intellectual stimulation behavior of salesperson positively influences customer trust. Further inspirational motivation behavior of salesperson as well as individualized considerate behavior of salesperson positively influence customer relationship commitment. Moreover this research focuses on the mediating effect of trust on the relationship between idealized influence and customer relationship commitment and also the intellectual stimulation behavior and customer relationship commitment. The results of this study revealed that relationship marketing is well practiced by private banks than in state banks. The present study contributes to the practice of relationship marketing by shedding light on how salespersons can create and develop the practice of relationship marketing. Furthermore this research has identified what sort of relationship would create better communication and relationship with customers. Thus findings of this research will helpful to prepare training manuals, training guidance as well as training programs. Further these findings, especially transformational leadership qualities of salesperson can be used as one of the criteria’s in selection process.